Instructions to authors

Extended deadline: submit your abstract untill the 21 July!

Abstract submission instructions

The FIC-JEMP2023 website is hosted using the framework. Therefore, authors and attendees must have a Sciencesconf account to submit an abstract to the conference. Note that abstract submission and account creation are not equivalent to registration to the conference.

Create a new account

1. Click the arrow close to the “login” button at the bottom of the site banner (top right of the text part)
2. Click on “create account”
3. Fill the form
4. A pop-up window will appear confirming you that the account creation has been submitted
5. A confirmation email will be sent to your mailbox
6. Click on the link to activate your account. Once again, a pop-up window will confirm the account activation.

Existing account
When filling the information form (mail, login, password…), the system may inform you that a Sciencesconf account is already associated to your login. It means you already have such an account. If you have lost your password or your login, follow this procedure:

1. Click the arrow close to the “login” button at the bottom of the site banner (top right of the text part),
2. Click on “Lost password?”
3. Enter your login or your email address.
4. Information to change your password will be sent to you by email
5. Enter twice your new password
6. Now, you can login to the JEMP2023 website with your login and your new password

Abstract submission
1. Go to the sidebar menu
2. Select “Abstract submission”
3. Follow instructions

Abstract Guidelines
Guidelines for abstract preparation are given in the conference template below. An abstract of about 500 words must be submitted through a text box in the submission page. A Book of Abstracts will be generated from abstracts submitted in the text box of the online submission system. Authors have the option to upload a PDF file prepared with the conference template, this document is for review purposes only. Please note that only one presentation per registered author/participant is allowed. Thus, each user of the platform can submit only one abstract.

Word File: Template_abstract_JEMP2023_Word

 LaTeX Files:

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